Why we recommend Double Coated dogs are not clipped.
Double coated dogs have two coat layers. The top or guard coat is usually shiny and lustrous and offers water repellence.The undercoat is below the top coat and is usually a more wiry or fluffy texture as it serves to regulate the dog's temperature in both hot and cold weather. With changes of the season it may "blow" in one go or start coming out more slowly and be found in tufts or clumps around the house.

Clipping a Double Coated dog
Clipping a double coated dog has the following effect:
The lustrous top coat is removed leaving only the undercoat visible. If clipped too short the dog is exposed to sun damage. The dog struggles to cool itself without the benefit of the two coat layers that have evolved over hundreds of years to effectively control its temperature.
When clipped off, the hair follicles of both undercoat and top coat are damaged and future growth of both is affected.
Regrowth of the top coat is much slower and the shaft of the hair becomes spikey instead of lying flat.
Regrowth of the undercoat is quicker resulting in a thicker, wiry discoloured visible regrowth.
Over time the undercoat becomes thicker and thicker, meaning even when clipped short it becomes more like a sheep than a functional double coat. Clipping to the skin is necessary repeatedly or else the dog can seriously overheat as soon as the dog's temperature even when mild outside, can be too hard to regulate.
Some dogs can no longer exercise or tolerate being outside unless a recent scalping of the occur has occurred.
Repeat and regular clipping off is required to offer the dog any outside or exercise including lifestyle.